
Thank you for your interest in applying to the Canadian Sport School.

The Canadian Sport School is looking for the most talented, hardworking and motivated young athletes who are driven to one day represent Canada at national team level in their sport. The Canadian Sport School program is designed to support the most dedicated individuals who strive to find daily balance through their pursuit of excellence in the classroom, in their sport and in the community.

Student-Athletes who are currently in grade 9, 10 or 11 are eligible to apply. Please click for more detailed information about student-athlete eligibility requirements.

Current CSS Athletes are also required to re-apply to continue in the program.

We have limited spaces every year!

More detailed information for our Canadian Sport School program is located below while our Program Information page gives more specific information that encompasses the province-wide Canadian Sport School program.


We have three Canadian Sport School campuses located in Kelowna, Prince George & Smithers, and Victoria.

Application Info
Application Forms
  • Victoria – Applications are currently open
  • Kelowna – Applications are currently closed
  • Prince George & Smithers – Applications are currently closed
Reference Forms

Before Applying

1. Read the Website

The following pages contain important information regarding our program.

2. Attend the CSS Info Night

Athletes, parents and coaches are encouraged to attend our information night:

It is recommended for all applicants, plus at least one parent or guardian to be present at the information night. If a parent/guardian is unavailable to attend the info night, we recommend that they schedule a time to come in and meet with CSS Staff before the application deadline. The nature of the CSS program involves coordinating many aspects of the student-athletes life (ie. transportation, class scheduling, graduation planning etc.), thus it is imperative that parents are fully engaged proactively with a strong understanding of how our program operates.

Late applicants should schedule a meeting with CSS staff before submitting an application.

3. Visit a Canadian Sport School Session

Athletes, parents and coaches are always welcome and strongly encouraged to observe our training program firsthand before applying. Please set up an appointment with the staff on the campus you are interested in.

4. Talk to Your Coach

As part of each athlete’s application, their coach must give a positive recommendation for the athlete to participate in the Canadian Sport School. It is imperative that coaches have a full understanding of the IGNITE Athlete Development Program, which is the physical component of the Canadian Sport School. Any coaches who have never had an athlete in the Canadian Sport School program are required to meet with campus staff and are encouraged to observe/attend a session.

If athletes are accepted into the program, coaches will be required to submit quarterly evaluations from September to June. These evaluations help the CSS gain a more holistic perspective on how to support each athlete. They are also used towards generating grades and work habit marks for Individual Sport Training A & B 10/11/12.

Canadian Sport School

Interview Process

After applications have been submitted, finalists will be contacted to complete an interview with CSS Staff.

Interviews are an opportunity for students to distinguish themselves from one another and demonstrate that they embody the Canadian Sport School Core Values:

  • Leadership
  • Excellence
  • Perseverance
  • Knowledge
  • Collaboration

Roster Selections

Roster selection will be announced in late spring/ early summer of each year.

At that time athletes will be designated to one of the following categories:

    Admission offered into CSS Program
    Admission subject to specific eligibility requirements being met by a deadline. Once those eligibility requirements are met, the applicant would be eligible for full admissions (Category 1)
    Wait listed pending available space, at which time the applicant would be eligible for full admission (Category 1). If no position becomes available, then we encourage you to continue to train hard and re-apply in the future, if you are eligible.
    Admission subject to specific eligibility requirements being met by a deadline. Once those eligibility requirements are met, the applicant would be eligible for the wait list (Category 3)
    We have an extremely competitive application process. If you are not accepted, we encourage you to continue to train hard and re-apply in the future, if you are eligible

* if your athletic standing/level of achievement has changed since you submitted your application, please contact CSS Staff to ensure she has the full details of all current athletic achievements as this can change your standing in the admission process.

The admission process takes into consideration the applicant’s:

  • athletic achievement
  • athletic character, attitude and work ethic (coach references will be taken into consideration)
  • academic character, attitude and work ethic (academic references will be taken into consideration)
  • interview

While applicants are strongly weighted towards athletic achievement as per our program’s mandate, we will also be taking into consideration the other essential elements of the applicant’s overall character and what that individual brings to the program. We are looking for student-athletes who will contribute positively to the CSS program and daily environment.

Canadian Sport School

Late Applications

Late applications may be accepted after the application deadline and will be subject to the regular application process (ie. submission of all required documents, student-athlete interview etc.)

Late applications will be evaluated on a case by case basis and will depend on a variety of factors including: available space in the program, having achieved the eligibility criteria, current athletic achievements etc.